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Monday, June 7, 2010

Earthquake Insurance?

What you don't know CAN hurt you. A basic homeowners policy does not cover damage caused by earthquake, and if you have a policy in place already, the deductible is very likely higher than you might imagine. It is no coincidence, places all over the world really are ‘moving and shaking’ and the recent 7.2 earthquake in Mexico was felt by many, especially here in Southern California. Since we reside in one of the most active earthquake areas in the country, let’s take a moment to address this important subject and ways to mitigate potential loss.

Don’t wait until after an earthquake to think about the importance of planning and preparing for a natural disaster and it’s after-effects. Earthquake insurance does not have to be complicated, but there are several risk factors to consider before you decide to purchase this coverage.

Article written by: Shelley Dawson

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